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Steller Sea Lions

Steller St. Patty's Day: Steller Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, and Little Lambs

[Saturday, 3/17/18 - 12:00 – M/V Sea Lion – Naturalist Erick]


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

     We were blessed with yet another sunny day for this year’s St. Patrick’s Day. Captain Mike and I headed out again with a great group of guests and looked northward for exciting wildlife in the San Juan archipelago. We first stopped at Green Point on Spieden Island and looked at a large group of Steller Sea Lions rafting and swimming in the strong current streaming off of the point. This...

Bigg's Orcas

Bigg's Orca Whales Hunt in front of Friday Harbor

[Friday, 3/16/18 - 12:00 – M/V Sea Lion – Naturalist Erick]

     We have been experiencing a long sunny break from our normal drizzly spring weather and it seems to be bringing out all the natural spring activities in full force. Flowers are blooming, there are little lambs running around everywhere, and the birds have started to migrate back north. On this lovely, sunny day Captain Mike and I took our small group of guests out to search for some fun wildlife. We headed north towards...

Adult Male Bigg's Orca

Bigg's Deal: Bigg's Killer Whale Family (T2C's) Travels through Rosario Strait!

[Saturday – 3/10/18 – 12:00 – M/V Sea Lion – Naturalist Erick]

Bigg's Orca Family in Rosario Strait (T2C's)

            Here we are, It is another fabulous, sunny day in the Salish Sea. Captain Mike, Piper, and I headed out into the sunshine to look for some exciting wildlife. We headed north and ended up taking an inter-island route in between all the larger islands of our little archipelago like Shaw, Lopez, and Orcas Islands. We ended up heading in this easterly direction because...

Steller Sea Lions

Race to Race Rocks: Steller Sea Lions, California Sea Lions, & Dall's Porpoises

[Friday - 3/9/18 - 12:00 – M/V Sea Lion – Naturalist Erick]

Banking on Wildlife

            These past few days we have had a great streak of weather that is making it really feel like spring up here in the islands. Bright, calm, sunny days with a light breeze and a small rain shower in the afternoon. The plants and animals are starting to notice too. Some of our overwintering birds are starting to head back up north and even a few flowers have started to bloom! This Friday was...

Bald Eagle

Wild World: Seeing our Winter Wildlife in the Islands

[Monday, 3/5/18 – 12:00 – M/V Sea Lion – Naturalist Erick]

            Monday, Mondays. Today, we had an extra small group join us for another sunny day in the San Juan Islands. Captain Mike and I headed north towards Spieden Island to start our adventure. We first stopped at Green Point on Spieden Island to looks at the big groups of sleepy Steller Sea Lions there. Sleeping, they look like giant fluffy lumps lined up on the rocks and we watched them for a while and rode the strong...

Steller Sea Lions

All the Dall's - Seldom Seen Dall's Porpoise along with Seals, Sea Lions, and Galloping Fallow Deer!

[Saturday, 3/3/18 – 12:00 – M/V Sea Lion – Naturalist Erick]


This Saturday, we headed out again on another rare, sunny spring day! Captain Mike and I took our small group of guests north towards the outer islands of the San Juans and the Southern Gulf Islands of British Columbia. We made our first stop at Green Point (the eastern-most point on Spieden Island just north of San Juan). Here at Green Point is a favorite haul out spot for our largest pinniped species and the largest Sea...

Bald Eagle

Not On Porpoise: Large Group of Harbor Porpoises and Plenty of Pinnipeds to Go Around

[Friday, 3/2/18 - 12:00 - M/V Sea Lion - Naturalist Erick]

A Steller Start

            Here at San Juan Safaris we are having a great time since starting one-a-day tours on March 1st. This Friday, Captain Mike and I took out a small group of folks to look for wildlife on a quintessential Pacific Northwest weather day. There was no rain but all around you could see the tree tops scraping the clouds and creating the undulating mist that often surrounds the islands this time of year...

Steller Sea Lions

A Steller Day: Putting Wild into Wildlife around the San Juan Islands

[Sunday, 2/25/2018, 12:00, M/V Sea Lion, Naturalist Erick]

  The Steller Sweet Life       

      This Sunday, Captain Mike and I headed out to search for some amazing wildlife on another sunny day in the Salish Sea. It was pretty blustery on the west side of the islands, but we managed to stay in the sheltered waters in the middle and northern side of our little archipelago. We headed first to Green Point on Spieden Island and spotted a little bit of splashing around one of the rocky...


Magical Winter Whale Watching - Orcas in the San Juan Islands

[Naturalist Sarah – 02/24/2018 – M/V Sea Lion – 12:00pm]

Yesterday was not what I would call an average trip in the Salish Sea… Definitely not normal mid-February, not even a normal for our peak season! The trip started out average enough, with no reports of wildlife as we left the dock. This time of year we rarely receive early reports from our spotting network, as the wildlife and boats are fewer and farther between. Captain Mike decided to steer the M/V Sea Lion east from Friday...

Steller Sea Lion Pups

Winter Wildlife: Enjoying Our Winter Pinnipeds and Feathered Friends

[Monday 2/19/2018, M/V Sea Lion 12:00, Naturalist Erick]


It seems winter is here again and bringing with it some mildly cold weather. Luckily, though, when the mercury drops here it also brings bright sunny days. So, on this sunny Presidents’ Day Captain Mike and I took a small crew out to go find some spectacular wildlife in the Salish Sea. We headed south to go search through San Juan Channel and eventually the Strait of Juan de Fuca.


Our first stop was at Whale Rocks just...

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