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Northern sea lions spotted near San Juan Island

Sunny Sunday: Wonderful Wildlife around the Outer Islands

[Sunday 02/11/2018, M/V Sea Lion 12:00, Naturalist Erick]

     On Sunday, we were lucky enough to get another bright, sunny, brisk day. We started our whale and wildlife search headed north through San Juan Channel toward the outer islands. We stopped first at the Cactus Islands. Most folks don’t associate cacti with the Pacific Northwest, but the San Juan Islands are in a rainshadow area created by our coastal mountains and Vancouver Island. Our climate is a little more arid than...


Whale, We're Back: Transient Killer Whales and Sunny Skies on the First Trip of 2018

[Saturday 02/10/2018, M/V Sea Lion 12:00, Naturalist Erick]

     And…we’re back! Saturday was San Juan Safaris’ first public trip of 2018! A high pressure system has moved into the San Juan Islands so this weekend has been sunny, calm, and a little brisk. Most folks come to see whales in the summer months for many reasons. The weather is nice, kids are off from school, and that is when we usually see the Southern Resident Killer Whales – the famous J, K, and L pods. Unbeknownst to...


Awesome Autumn: Orcas and Humpback Whales enjoy the island fall weather with us

[Naturalist Erick, Friday 10/27/17, M/V Sea Lion, 12:00]

All of western Washington’s coastline has jumped headlong into fall this week. We have been basking in the warm autumn sunshine and cool fall breezes that mark some of the best days for wildlife watching in San Juan Islands.

Migration Station

On Friday, we started our adventure by traveling north. Autumn means southward migration for both birds and some whale species. The past few weeks we have been seeing Humpback Whales...

Humpback Whale MMY0024

Rainbows lead you to.... whales!

[Naturalist Sarah – 10/22/2017 – M/V Sea Lion – 12:00pm]

Yesterday, we had a beautiful day avoiding the raindrops in the Salish Sea. Leaving Friday Harbor we elected to head north on a possible rumor of a humpback whale in the Canadian Gulf Islands. This time of year our reports often start as sightings from the public reaching out to company offices, or even from the commercial fishing fleet!

Bald Eagles

As we left Friday Harbor we found a pair of bald eagles up in the trees along...

Mouflon Sheep

Safari Island

10/4/17- M/V Sea Lion- 12PM

One common topic of conversation during our whale watching trips is Spieden Island, previously known as Safari Island. 

Spieden Island is the largest privately owned island in the San Juans.  It is roughly two miles long, so it is pretty substantial to say the least.  There are many rumors of who currently and previously have owned this island but one story in particular is best known.  Back in the 60’s three brothers, who were taxidermists, purchased the...

Humpback Whale Fluking

Humpback and Bigg's Killer Whales near Friday Harbor

09/16/17- M/V Kestrel- 10AM & 2PM

We had two trips on M/V Kestrel and both were fantastic!  One of the many benefits of the zodiac vessel is its speediness, so it will allow you to cover more ground in a shorter period of time.   

On our first trip we were the first boat to find a group of Bigg’s killer whales, which is always very exciting!  We got reports for whales around Stuart Island so we headed in that direction and actively looked as we traveled around.  We found the T123’s...


Resident Whale Breach Fest off San Juan Island

09/13/17- M/V Kestrel- 2PM

Our resident whales still seem to be sticking around!  We haven’t seen much of our resident whales this summer because of our record low salmon run, but today our guests were treated with the opportunity to see L pod. 

We headed down San Juan Channel and found the whales in Cattle pass.  When we first arrived we saw a few breaches and some other displays of social behavior.  The whales then shifted to a fast travel pattern while heading towards the...

Transient Orcas

Four Families of Transient Orcas Around the San Juans

[Naturalist Erick D., M/V Sea Lion, 8/19/17, 5:30PM]


The evening trips aboard the Sea Lion are my absolute favorite. We are coming up on the last week of them, but each time I go on one, it’s just so much more relaxing, there usually are less boats on the water, and less folks on the boat. Oh yeah, and the lighting is just spectacular. This evening we started out by heading north. We stopped at one of our favorite places, Flattop Island, to look at some Harbor Seals, Bald Eagles...

Transient Orcas

Transient Orcas (T46B's) Travel & Murre-der Common Murres

[Naturalist Erick D., M/V Kestrel, 8/18/17, 2:00PM]


            For our second Friday trip, Captain Mike and I took a bunch of folks out. We started by going to see some of the Harbor Seals that like to hang out on the rocks and in the water around Flattop Island. Flattop Island is one of the smaller islands in the archipelago that is managed by the Bureau of Land Management or U.S. Fish and Wildlife that is preserved for wildlife and no humans are allowed on it. We saw at least...

Transient Orca

Transient Orcas Toss a Harbor Seal (T18's/T19's)

[Naturalist Erick D., M/V Kestrel, 8/9/17, 10:00AM]


On Wednesday, Captain Gabe and I started on the search for families (matrilines) of Transient (Bigg’s) Orcas. While in the Salish Sea this summer we have not seen the Southern Resident orcas much this summer, we have seen many of the Transient (Bigg’s) Orca matrilines. The main difference between these two distinct, non-interbreeding populations that swim through the Salish Sea is their diet. The Southern Residents eat only fish...

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