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Biodiverse Daze

Today was super misty as we motored out of the harbor. We couldn’t see very far ahead as the wooded islands, water, and clouds all melded into one. We headed south through Cattle Pass and out into the Strait of Juan de Fuca. We first encountered a small group of Harbor Porpoise off of Hein Bank (a shallow area  that is a great feeding area for so many of the marine mammals that inhabit our waters) The group of Harbor porpoises quickly passed us as the followed a small group of fish past the M/V Sea Lion. Next we saw some blows in the distance and soon we were seeing a bunch of black fins break the surface of the still waters in front of us. It was a group of Transient (Biggs) Orcas. These are the mammal-eating orcas and they had just finished eating together finishing off with a few tail slaps. They soon swam on. They gracefully passed us. It was a whole family, or matriline, and they gave use some good looks as they swam north swimming so smoothly that they barely created any splashes. Next we slowly motored northeast and soon found two Puffins! These little cute seabirds are a rarity around the islands, but around this time of year they are in their breeding plumage with bright orange beaks, yellow tufted feathers as eyebrows, and a white opera-mask on their faces. They were so adorable and just paddled right on by us. Next we stopped by a pair of Humpback Whales that were feeding just south of Lopez Island. They were being pretty lazy but it was great to see the tubercles on their faces as they surfaced to breath next to the boat. Finally as we were heading back we threaded between some large rocks full of Steller Sea Lions and Harbor Seals sleeping the foggy day away. It was a great first day back on the islands for me and another amazing day on the water. 

Naturalist Erick

M/V Sea Lion


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