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Breaching Bigg’s Orcas and a Beautiful Interisland Journey

Maxx K. | M/V Kestrel | 06/21/2022 | 2:00pm

    One of my favorite things about working as a naturalist is trying to interpret what is going on in the head of a whale. They are assumed to be some of the smartest creatures on the planet: Killer whales in particular have the second largest brains in the animal kingdom AND the second largest brain to body ratio (another presumed indicator of intelligence). The inherit intelligence and personality of a killer whale, something we only get glimpses of when they surface for air, is absolutely fascinating to me. 

    I have a theory that today we were able to glimpse the overcoming of a familial squabble amongst the T049A family of Bigg’s Killer Whales. During our morning tour, we found the family spread out individually. Each whale took long several minute dives before surfacing for a few brief breath sequences. They’d then dive again, disappearing beneath the water's surface for many long minutes. 

    When Kestrel happened upon them this evening their behaviors completely changed: Breach! Tail Lobbs! Pectoral Slaps! Dorsal Slaps! 

    These whales were going absolutely buckwild off the northern side of Saturna Island. Now they were grouped up, seeming to roll over one another in between bouts of breaching and sloshing. Now, I try not to anthropomorphize too much. These animals are vastly different from us and there is some danger in assigning human characteristics and opinion onto creatures that navigate our planet in completely different ways. It is fun however to guess. 

    I like to imagine these whales had a bit of a family disagreement this morning and needed a little bit of space. Now they’ve gotten over it and are just stoked to be together! It’s all a guess but it's fun to surmise.

We watched this family, now thick as thieves, push up Saturna Island for 30ish minutes before we cut away, racing through the beautiful Johnstone Strait during our long scenic journey back home to Friday Harbor. It was a spectacular afternoon out there, I feel so fortunate to be able to spend it with you all!


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