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Glorious Evening With Orcas

We departed Friday Harbor and headed north.  There was absolutely no wind and the water was like glass.  An incredible night for whale watching.  We caught up to J-pod around Monarch Head on Saturna island.  There were about six animals traveling very close to each other, and very close to shore.  We had perfect lighting for all the photographers on the boat to get some great shots of the whales surfacing together.  We even had some passengers capture the elusive 'spyhop' behavior on film.  We stayed with the whales as they slowly traveled north in to the Strait of Georgia.  We had never seen the water so calm.  We watched in silence for a while as we could here the big male named 'Blackberry' take deep breathes.  We would have stayed with the whales longer but they were leading us away from home, so we said our goodbyes and headed back to the harbor just in time to see a beautiful sunset!

Mike - Naturalist

San Juan Safaris

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