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Hein Bank Hangout with Bigg’s Killer Whales

Lauren | M/V Sea Lion | 5.1.2022 | 12:30 PM 

It was a magnificent May morning, filled with a warm breeze and sunny skies. It was my first trip of the year where I really felt like spring was upon us. None of the crew even wore jackets out there today!

We left the dock with word that there was a group of Bigg’s killer whales south near Hein Bank. We made a stop at Whale Rocks to view some noisy Steller’s Sea Lions and went on our way.

Once on scene, there wasn’t a single dull moment. We were having a Hein Bank hangout with the T65B’s and T75B’s, and these 6 Bigg’s killer whales looked like they we’re having the time of their lives! We witnessed behavior after behavior. Whales were proposing, tail lobing, and even spy hopping! Of these 6 whales, 3 of them are under the age of 8, and it really felt like we were watching kids play on the playground. It wasn’t easy to leave these whales, but after 45 minutes we decided to continue on.

We decided to take a cruise through Davis Bay to get some looks at Long Island. There's a bald eagle’s nest on Long Island, and we were lucky enough to see its nesting pair! A look at two bald eagles was the perfect end to the most proper day on the water!

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