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Humpback Whale Trifecta in the Strait of Georgia!

Humpback Whales near Mount Baker

Olivia | August 5th, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 1:30pm

What a gorgeous day on the water! Captain Gabe, Co-Naturalist Jordan, and I started off by taking our passengers north through the San Juan Channel and into Boundary Pass. We had a reported Humpback Whale sighting with a possibility of multiple in the area just north of Saturna. We decided to go for it and head through Plumper Sound and up through Georgeson Pass. We found a duo of Humpback Whales traveling together, one of which was Heather. We also saw a single Humpback Whale traveling solo! All feeding and fluking with Mount Baker standing tall in the background! Could we even ask for a better scenery with our whales?

We had amazing views of these large Baleen Whales, and I personally haven’t experienced something like that in quite some time! Not only did we have an amazing whale experience, but we didn’t have to hand out a single blanket, because for the first time it was so warm everywhere- now that is rare!

All along our route we saw heaps of Harbor Porpoises swimming everywhere, making this a heavy Cetacean day! Even two Harbor Seals popped up swimming as well. Big thanks to our Captain Gabe for always giving it his all for our passengers and crew, as well as to Co-Naturalist Jordan who endlessly smiles when chatting about Humpbacks.

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