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J pod and K pod on the West Side!

orca breach

So Hot, well it’s hot for us. It got all the way up to 80F on land here today, but still pretty cool over the water as we headed towards the west side of San Juan Island again today. We made it to Eagle Cove and started to see those telltale blows over the water. We got closer and it was a very spread out group of K pod and J pod milling and catching fish off the western coast of San Juan Island. Soon though they finished fishing and started to group up a little bit off shore, and it started. Ks and Js started breaching left and right. There were response breaches and many of the younger ones started repeating the breaches that the older ones were doing. There were also tail slaps and side slaps and rolls as well, so we got to see the orcas from all different sides! So fantastic to see these many family groups come together and see them celebrate like this!  We spent a lot of time with them and still got to see some Harbor Seals and Steller’s Sea Lions on the way back. Just when we thought our trip was over a Grey Whale appeared! Which was a super special treat since we usually don’t find in the islands! Yayyyyyy! Hope everyone is having as Juanderful a day as we are here!


Naturalist Erick Dowell

M/V Sea Lion

San Juan Safaris

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