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Private Charter with Amazing Whales

Transient Orcas San Juan Islands

Olivia | September 11th, 2019 | M/V Kestrel | 3:00pm Private Charter

This afternoon we had a private charter of two book on, which was an absolute delight. These folks were so excited just to be on the water checking out the gorgeous scenery of our many islands. We decided to wave at the Humpback Whale still hanging out in the channel from earlier in the season and attempt to go find something black and white and moving away from us. We boated north through San Juan Channel, cutting across Boundary Pass, and immerging into Plumper Sound. At this point, we saw Harbor Porpoises porpoising through the water behind us, which is a rare sight for these small cetaceans!

We took Georgesons Passage to dip into the Strait of Georgia where we found the T18/19 family group of Bigg’s Killer Whales outside of Active Pass. They were busy milling around, casually traveling through the big body of water. What I love about charters is how chill and humble it can be. That being said, after our folks watched in amazement, we decided to head backwards and see if we could catch glimpses of that Humpback Whale.

On our way there, we passed Bald Eagles flying and Harbor Porpoises swimming in Boundary Pass. Just south of Waldron, we found the MMX0007 “Bond” munching his way around Flattop. Settling on four-minute dives, it made for great opportunities to chat and plenty of chances for tail fluke photos! We love private charters to gage personal relationships with people all around the world, come and join us on our zodiac and see the beauty our Salish Sea has to offer!

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