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Great Wildlife and Orca Tour Near Salt Spring!



Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 08/11/19 | 3:00pm

What an amazing trip!

Captain Gabe and I set out of Friday Harbor and headed north through the San Juan Channel. We boated around the eastern tip of Speiden and towards the Cactus Islands. Here we found a bald eagle!

The eagle was devouring a huge salmon on the rocks close to the water. It was really cool watching him tear pieces away and you could literally hear him eating! But then things got interesting! Another bald eagle swooped in to...


Bigg's Killer Whale Cruising by Canada

Piper | Sunday, August 11, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 1:30 PM

On this lovely Sunday afternoon, Captain Erick, naturalist Erin, and myself headed out into the Salish Sea with an awesome group of guests to see what sorts of critters were hanging out in the area. We left the docks of Friday Harbor and headed north in San Juan Channel.

There was a report of a lone Bigg’s killer whale that had first been spotted to the east, between Blakely and Decatur Islands but had booked it northwest and...


Playful Orcas in a Hidden Bay!

Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 07/21/19 | 5:30pm

Today was extraordinary. I had a fantastic group of people with me that just loved asking all the really good whale questions!

It all started as Captain Pete and I headed out of San Juan Island and into the San Juan Channel. We headed north and crossed under Speiden Island. Here we slowed and checked out some lovely wildlife.

We were able to spot mouflon sheep, fallow deer and harbor seals all along the shoreline of the island! It was crazy...


Rare Leucism Whale in Canada! 06/01/19

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 06/01/19 | 3:00 pm

As we set out of Friday Harbor on our second trip of the day, everyone was really excited and ready for an amazing adventure to come. Captain Gabe and I took the Kestrel and sped off towards the north and right to Speiden Island.

Right away we saw a gorgeous bald eagle! It was beautiful perching high in the trees close to the shoreline.

But then as we continued, we found more animals! The adorable harbor seals! One of them was hilarious as he...


Morning and Afternoon Trips with Southern Resident and Transient Whales! | 07/27/2018 | 10:00 & 2:00

Jordan | July 27, 2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 10:00 & 2:00 trips

Today was another long and but successful day out on the water with our whales!

On our first trip, there were multiple reports of whales around the San Juan Island. Captain Gabe and I set out of Friday Harbor to find some wildlife! We headed south through the San Juan Channel, through Cattle Pass. We found the Southern Resident whales off the southeast side of San Juan Island. Here we found the J17s and J19s who were perusing...

Baby orca

Salt Spring Transients!

Jordan | July 1, 2018 | M/V Kestrel | 2:00 trip

On this second trip of the day, we were really lucky that it stopped raining and the sun came out! Captain Mike and I were happy to hear of whales up in Canada, so we sped off north. We wound through Canadian islands until we hit Vancouver Island, then headed north along the west side of Salt Spring Island.

And then we found a pod of whales! We recognized them as the T65As! As one of my favorite pods, they have a tiny baby who is only a...


Who's Hanging Out by Salt Spring? Rare Orca Sighting of T10's

[Lauren Fritz, M/V Sea Lion, 08/15/17, 1:30 pm Tour]

We saw some rare visitors from Alaska today - the T10's! These animals are most frequently seen up north, but they decided to make a surprise appearance in the Salish Sea this week. There was a female with a large nick near the base of her dorsal fin and one of her large sons, spotted cruising along the Salt Spring shoreline today. They even surprised some campers near the shoreline of one of the provincial parks on the island -...


Decisions, Decisions...T101's and T49A's On the Prowl Near Salt Spring Island and Navy Channel

Lauren Fritz, 07/06/17, M/V Sea Lion, 1:30 pm and 5:30 pm Tours

What a day! Passengers on both of our tours were able to watch Transient orcas cruising through the Salish Sea. On our first trip, Captain Mike, Naturalist Sarah, and I decided to head over to a family of Tranisents that were hanging out near Salt Spring Island. What a beautiful journey it was! I hadn't been out this way yet this year, and I always love checking out the Canadian Gulf Islands. The San Juans are beautiful...


Bits n' Pieces II

When we left Friday Harbor, today we didn't have an Orca report and were planning on heading south to look at Minke Whales for our 1:30 whale watch. However, we soon got word of some mammal hunting Orcas up north near Portland and Salt Spring Island in Canada! We were all very excited at the news, and even though it would be a long trip to get there, it was well worth it. Guest settled in on the bow and in the cabin and enjoyed the incredibly scenic ride up north into the Canadian...

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