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Today was a day of lots and lots of harbor seals!  Everywhere!  And many of them were lined up like sausage links!  Transient orca sausage links!

We first went north towards Waldron Island and found them basking on a nearby rock.  Next, we went further north into Canadian waters and found them off of Saturna Island where five of them were lined up in a row.  Out by Sentinel Island, we found another thirty or so, with about six babies hauled out along the shoreline in their little "nursery" area.  And we even saw several swimming through the many channels we traveled through on our wildlife safari.

But it wasn't all seal sausages today.  We also saw the elusive harbor porpoises off of Turn Point on Stuart Island, the most northwestern point in the continental US!  They were milling about and surfacing at random.

Serena, Naturalist

San Juan Safaris

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