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Some Days Are For Cruising

It is good to live in the islands these days. Capt. Pete, Nan and I welcomed a diverse and friendly group onto the MV Sea Lion today and we were able to show them the islands in all of their glory. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and the water was calming. The Orcas seemed to have moved off to parts unknown overnight, but that did not stop our guests from spotting some great wildlife.

There were more Harbor Seals than you could shake a stick at and we saw almost every color pattern imaginable. No signs of pups yet, but it is still a bit early in the season. Our local population of Bald Eagles appears to be doing very well, since every rock and island seemed to have an eagle on it. There were several immature eagles sighted yet again today as well as a few nests and mated pairs. One of our guests even spied an adult Surf Scoter with a juvenile floating in the rough water around Boiling Reef. Those are the first ones that I have seen here!

After heading up to East Pt. on Saturna Island in Canada, and getting a quick glimpse of a Steller's Sea Lion before it dove off into the water, we then cruised down the coastline of Saturna Island. The sandstone formations were beautiful and you could see the different layers of rock on the bluff faces that marked the great geological changes that have occurred over the eons in this area. A quick turn around Green Pt. on Spieden Island to look for sheep and deer and to see the effects of the Vashon Glacier there marked the end of our trip. It was then a straight shot back to port for a great group of guests and crew.

Thank you from all of us to all of you for choosing San Juan Safaris and we will...

See You In The Islands!
~Tristen, Naturalist

Orca Whales and Wildlife Are Our Only Business. © San Juan Island near Seattle: Home to the Southern Resident Killer Whales
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