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Surprise Humpback North of the San Juan Islands

Humpback near San Juan Islands

It’s a bit rainy here today in the Pacific Northwest (good one, right?) but that didn’t stop our guests from being excited and enthusiastic about looking for wildlife.  We left Friday Harbor with no whale reports, not uncommon for this time of year.  We decided to head North toward the Canadian Gulf Islands.  As we were traveling we came across some harbor porpoise in the larger channels.  As we continued along our search route we came across a number of bald eagles, both perched and flying above us.  We then made it to East Point and stopped at a known Steller’s Sea Lion haul out.  We are trying to get as much time as we can with this species because in about a month they will all be up North on the beaches of Alaska for their breeding season.  As we continued along we started to lose hope on any whale reports for the day.  But then a welcomed surprise!  One of the boats nearby had spotted Big Mama, one of the humpback whales that frequents these waters.  We made our way toward the sighting and watched Big Mama slowly travel South.  Just before we were about to leave we got an even bigger surprise, a breach!  The whale came almost completely out of the water and then came crashing back down to the surface, creating a huge splash.  Although no one got a photo of her jump a few got a photo of the splash, which is enough proof!  As we began to motor away we saw her go on a deep dive which caused her to raise her tail flukes into the air for a final goodbye.  We came back to Friday Harbor wet and cold from our trip but nonetheless happy with the result.      

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