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Magnificent Minkes, Excellent Eagles, and Lazy Llamas

As we cruised south through San Juan Channel, Captain Mike, Naturalist Caitlin, and myself couldn't help but notice how calm it was on the water! Even though the tides are extreme today because of the summer solstice, the water was calm as could be. As we continued into the Strait of Juan De Fuca, we found a cluster of sea birds, which usually leads to Minke whales! This theory did not lead us astray, as we saw several Minkes right over Salmon Bank!

After some looks at Minke whales...


Panoramic Views of L Pod Along the South end of San Juan Island

Today we left Friday Harbor with a full boat of eager passengers who were determined to see some Orcas, and L Pod did not let them down! Captain Mike, Naturalist Andrew, and myself, did not have to go far to encounter L Pod stretched out along south end of San Juan Island. We stayed with a subgroup of L Pod hanging around Salmon Bank for the majority of the trip. This proved to be an excellent decision when a group of females and juvenile males repeatedly displayed breaches, tail...


Great sighting of Blackberry, J-27, of J Pod!

Heading out of Friday Harbor, we zipped out towards Salmon Bank, where reports of J Pod and a few L's were hanging out. Captain Jim and myself were able to make great time out to the whales since we were riding out in style in the Kittiwake, our original San Juan Safaris boat! Kittiwake is a great boat to get a very personalized and scenic view of the whales. This trip only emphasized that point. Our guests, along with the crew, were extremely surprised when Blackberry, J-27, and a...


Males of L Pod and Minke on the West Side of San Juan Island!

Leaving Friday Harbor we headed towards the west side of San Juan Island where, Captain Mike and myself, met up with a few members of L Pod. We were able to cruise up the west side of the island and get great looks at some of the mature males of L Pod such as Mega, Solstice, Mystery, Skana, and Spirit! The west side is an excellent region to spot Orcas because of the high density of salmon coming through that area.
On our way back towards Friday Harbor we took a small detour over...


Southern Resident Reunion

The Southern Resident Killer Whales came and went today.  We hussled away from the dock with reports that orcas were veering offshore of San Juan Island heading westbound.  Concerned that we might not be able to catch up with them before running out of fuel (just kidding!), Captain Craig set a straight and swift course to intercept our aquatic brethren.  We joined the fleet half way between San Juan and Discovery Island.  What a sight!  There were whales stretched out across the...


Tara's Final Report

Well whale watchers, it’s been a great season! Today was my final tour and a memorable one. We started off with a Minke Whale sighting in the Strait of Juan de Fuca near Salmon Bank. This whale couldn’t seem to get enough of the crowd, surfacing more times than I’ve ever seen a Minke Whale do so. After traveling with him for a while, we decided to head further west in search of more critters. We soon found 15+ Dall’s Porpoise just a couple miles offshore of Eagle Point. This...


Wildlife o' Plenty

Once again, it was beautiful day in the San Juan Islands with bluebird skies and flat calm waters.  And, the Salish Sea was teeming with wildlife and seabirds. 

In the San Juan Channel and Cattle Pass we saw Harbor Seals, Harbor Porpoise, Steller Sea Lions, and a number of different seabird species.  Here the tide is funneled through Lopez Island and San Juan Island creating upwelling.  Eager for a meal, marine mammals and seabirds congregate in this area, taking full advantage...


Fun in the Sun; the Wildlife Rendition!

What a fabulous day on the water! We started the trip off with an abundance of wildlife as we made our way through San Juan Channel. We saw dozens upon dozens of Harbor Seals hauled out, sun bathing on any rocky islet available and bobbing through the riptides in search of food. We also saw three Steller Sea Lions swimming amongst the riptides, what seemed to be another marine mammal thanksgiving!

Once we reached Haro Strait we encountered our first Minke Whale just south of Salmon...


The Three Minketeers!

Although Minke Whales are typically solitary animals, we saw 3 of them today traveling in close proximately to one another in Haro Strait (south of Salmon Bank and San Juan Island, 48°24.97N 122°59.02). They were all doing their Minke thing, traveling from bait ball to bait ball and lunging after any food in their path. They surfaced multiple times showing off the full extent of their bodies from rostrum, to dorsal fin, to the entire length of their back. At one point they even...


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Minkes today!

Although our Southern Resident Killer Whales were nowhere to be found today, we did have luck finding Minke Whales. Not just one, but two (maybe even 3!) Minkes were in the Salmon Banks area, on the south side of San Juan Island (48°25.33’N, 122°59.94’W). Just rounding the corner out of Friday Harbor, a Bald Eagle majestically perched at the top of a fir on Turn Island. On the way out of San Juan Channel, eight Stellar Sea Lions sunned themselves on Whale Rocks, while...

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