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A Day of Humpback Whales

Haleigh | M/V Osprey | June 4, 2022 | 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm


The start of the summer has shown off the Humpbacks returning to these waters. The presence of these Humpbacks is a reminder of the days these creatures feared the inland waters. Whaled out of the area in the 1900’s, Humpbacks were a memory of the past pre-human influence. As time passed and Humpback populations rebounded, thanks to the banning of whaling internationally, these large baleen whales slowly reentered these...

Bigg's Killer Whales Porpoising

Migrating Humpback Whales and Porpoising Bigg’s Killer Whales in the Strait of Georgia

Haleigh | M/V Kestrel | September 28, 2021 | 2:00 pm


For our adventure tour, we departed from Friday Harbor with an idea of where we wanted to travel. We headed northbound, first stopping to admire some Harbor Seals hauled out on the shoreline of Skipjack Island. From there, we made the announcement to our guests of some large animals traveling around way north from where we were at, also warning of the ~30 minute travel ahead of us. With an overwhelming “YES!” from our guests, we...


Humpback Day in the Strait of Georgia!

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 07/03/2021 2:00pm

Captain Erick and I had a beautiful day travelling around the Salish Sea. The sunny day brought high energy to all the guests and I as we hopped on the Kestrel and headed north through the San Juan Channel.

We passed along the west coast of Orcas Island enjoying the cliffsides when all of a sudden, we spot a bald eagle sitting high in the tree tops. As we inched closer, we saw it was a juvenile bald eagle covered in brown with white speckles...


8 Bigg's Killer Whales by Lime Kiln State Park!

Abby | Kestrel | 5/27/2021

We suited up for our tour, the promise of a typical Washington drizzle looming off in the distance. The tide was at its lowest point, more so than I had ever seen, driving the crustaceans and nudibranchs lower on the pilings than they cared to travel. We set off on the zodiac, reports coming in about a Bigg’s killer whale family heading North on the western side of San Juan Island. As we zipped away from the harbor, heading South through San Juan Channel...


Peduncle Throwing Humpbacks in the Strait of Georgia!

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 07/26/19 | 3:00pm

Today was the best humpback day ever!!

It all started with Captain Gabe and I taking our vessel out of Friday Harbor and setting off north in hopes of finding some wildlife.

Before we even fully left the harbor, however, we spotted a gorgeous bald eagle! This massive bird sat perched in a towering tree overlooking the water. He surveyed the surrounding waters for any prey. Since they’re huge scavengers, they often steal from other birds. Right...


Orcas in the Strait of Georgia!

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 06/29/19 |

Today was a great day full of adventures! Captain Gabe and I took the Kestrel out of Friday Harbor and headed north to reports of whales up in the Strait of Georgia.

We sped up through the San Juan Channel and up towards Waldron Island. We stopped by a group of rocks jutting out of the water called “white rocks.” A few birds were sitting along the rocks and among them we spotted massive bald eagles! It was so cool! The adults had bright white heads...


Orcas Near Point Roberts!

Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 06/28/19 | 5:30pm

This evening was absolutely beautiful. Captain Pete and I took our vessel, the Sea Lion, out of Friday Harbor just as the sun decided to sink a bit lower in the sky.

Hearing hopeful reports up north, we headed up through the San Juan Channel. We passed between Waldron Island and Orcas Island as we boated towards the northeast. We went between Patos and Sucia Islands entering the Strait of Georgia up towards Point Roberts. Here we found the...


Humpback and Transients in Northern Waters!


Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 06/23/19 | 11:00am

The day started with clouds floating low in the sky. It wasn’t the typical overcast but somehow much more beautiful as they hid the distant mountains. Captain Gabe and I took the Kestrel out of Friday Harbor and headed north through the San Juan Channel.

We sped towards this beautiful island called Flattop and stopped along its shoreline. Here we found a bald eagle perched high in a tree, its white head glowing in the light. Then we saw...


Transient orcas in the Strait of Georgia

August 28- M/V Sea Lion- 1:30 pm

Yesterday we left the dock at Friday Harbor and went North towards British Columbia.  We came across a few families of transient orcas, specifically the T100’s and the T124D’s.  In total we had 8 whales milling about in the Strait of Georgia.  Those families include a nice variety of individuals from a sprouting male to a young juvenile.  The whales were in two groups and moving very erratically, which can be somewhat difficult to maneuver around to...


Strait of Georgia Morning Trip with Humpback Whales! | 07/09/2018 |10:00

Jordan | July 9, 2018 | M/V Kestrel | 10:00

Today was a lovely day despite the gray skies that hung over the San Juan Islands. Luckily, we had our speedy boat, the Kestrel to take us around the seas to try and see as much as possible!

Captain Mike and I journeyed up the San Juan Channel, and east through Spieden Channel. Here we stopped and found some adorable seals along a nearby rocky outcrop. They were relaxing near the surface of the water with a few baby pups! As we kept...

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