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One with the pod!

With early news of orca spottings, today’s tour headed north towards the U.S./Canadian international border.  Once we reached Turn Point we saw a few boats in the area and began our search. Within a quick ten minutes we had spotted two members of J-pod, our southern residents, and were able to follow them, watching them mill around and rise above the water's surface.

After about twenty minutes we moved on with our search and headed back southwest. It only took a couple hundred yards...


A Day Filled With Pinnipeds

Today we were lucky enough to see a variety of pinniped species. Just outside of Friday Harbor was an unusual sight. There was a California sea lion hauled out on a buoy! It was the first time I've seen a California sea lion since I started last year! After getting a good look, we made our way to Spieden Island where there was a large group of at least six Steller sea lions were relaxing on the rocks. Along Spieden we spotted mouflon sheep and sika deer, as well as a juvenile bald...


May 2 Aboard the Sea Lion

Another great day out on the water! Following a similar route around Spieden Island, through the Cactus Islands, and channel between Stewart and John’s Islands we saw a lot of great wildlife! Stellars were enjoying the sun, belly up in the water at Spieden point, and numerous Harbor Seals were catching the rays on any rock space available between Spieden and Mandarte. We also saw about 5 or so Bald Eagles along the tops of the tree line. Once we came around the northwestern point of...


Greeted by an abundance of wildlife

Today was my first day back in the Salish Sea and it didn't disappoint! We started our trip heading north out of Friday Harbor. It was sunny and the seas were calm, which made for smooth sailing. We seemed to spot bald eagles everywhere, perched in trees and flying about. Along Spieden Island we came across a group of at least five huge Steller Sea Lions leisurely rolling around in the water. Further along in our journey we caught a long glimpse of harbor seals hauled out on a small...


Whale Watching Tour - Saturday April 28, 2012

Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, and ORCAS, OH MY!

As we left the harbor we traveled north through the San Juan Channel to Spieden Island where two large Stellar Sea Lions were hauled out on the rocks.  Six other sea lions swam along the shore surfacing, rolling, and diving in succession as if performing synchronized swimming acrobatics.  As we continued down the coast we had great views of the Mouflon sheep and Sika deer including some wee babes.   Roughly 40 harbor seals were seen...


Whale Watching & Wildlife Report Tuesday April 24, 2012

Leaving Friday Harbor under solid grey skies, a damp drizzle, no wind, very calm seas, and a last minute report that Transient Orcas were on the west side of San Juan Island, we headed north and quickly made our way to the west side via Spieden Channel  in anticipation of running into the northern-bound whales.

It wasn’t until Pile Point though, before we caught up with 3 of the T-100’s, including T101 and T102 (48°28’N, 123°05’W), traveling south from Pile Point off the west side of...


Sunny skies, calm seas

Excited by an early morning report that a large number of Orcas had been sighted off Cattle Point on San Juan Island, we could not wait to get out on the water at noon. Heading north in San Juan Channel, our first stop was at Yellow Island to check out a healthy number of Harbor Seals hauled out on the rocks.  Next stop, Green Point at Speiden Island, where more than a few mammoth Stellar Sea Lions dove and rolled on all sides of the boat. Several Harbor Porpoises surfaced long...


Clear and Humid?

Today was arguably one of the warmest, nicest days of the season.  We were lucky enough to encounter a single Minke up north in Boundary Pass.  The water was like glass, and it's not often that we find Minkes up that way.  As we came around Turn Point we also came across a pretty elusive group of Dall's Porpoise.  They showed enough of themselves for our passengers to get a good look, but weren't too interested in hanging out otherwise.

On the way home we also found a few Bald Eagles...


Aloha Hello Minkes, Aloha Good-Bye Pacific Northwest

Ok, readers, today was my last day of the season out on the water in the Pacific Northwest and we were duly rewarded with wonderful sea conditions and one of the ocean underdogs: Minke Whales!  Sure, it was a little overcast but the sea responds well to this.  As we made our way out from the harbor and towards Cattle Pass, we saw twenty to thirty harbor porpoises and numerous swimming harbor seals and steller sea lions.  We even saw a bald eagle--my first in about two weeks! ...


Wonder-full Humans

It warms my heart when I see full grown adults get excited--yelling, pointing, shouting, oohing and aahing--over marine life!  'Cause I'm one of those adults too!

Today, with no orca reports in the Salish Sea, we headed out on the water with a boat full of curious and eager passengers and lots of hope to see marine life.  South from Friday Harbor, we started off with some harbor seals hauled out on the rocks, five of which were lined up side by side like sausage links!  Further on at...

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