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A Fluking Gray Whale Feeds in Canadian Waters

Gray Whale near D'Arcy Island

Olivia | M/V Sea Lion | April 24th, 2022 | 12:30pm

Continuing our weekend stretch of beautiful weather, it made our decision to travel towards Vancouver Island that much easier. Shortly after leaving the dock, we received word that there was a Gray Whale over by D’Arcy Island. This excited us and off we went!

Scanning the islands and the waters along the way, we stopped at Spieden Island to check out the world’s largest sea lions! These Steller’s Sea Lions were not only snoozing and bellowing on shore, but they were also rafted up and thermoregulating in the water.

Continuing west, we passed shoals of Harbor Porpoise and even a few swimming Harbor Seals! Coming on scene to the shallow, Canadian Island, we spotted the first blow of a Gray Whale! This whale was averaging 7-minute dive times [almost down to the second!] and about 4 breaths before FLUKING! It isn’t often that we spot fluking Gray Whales, since they feed on ghost shrimp in shallow waters. This baleen whale fluked with every dive and treated us to beautiful views and loud breaths we could listen to as we kept the engines shut off.

It is such a joy to see an increase of Gray Whales this season as they migrate up from Mexico. Even just a few years ago, it was a rare sight. And getting to share it with others? This is what we love to do! Rounding off this Earth Day weekend, we are reminded why every day should be about the planet and the animals we share it with.

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