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Humpback Whale Flukes in the San Juan Sunset

Humpback Whale in Haro Strait

Olivia | M/V Sea Lion | August 8th, 2020 | 17:30

Setting out on our sunset trip, Captain Pete and I decided to head south again in the direction of Hein Bank to follow up on a Humpback Whale rumor that was potentially traveling north in our direction. Being a long haul on our classic whale watching vessel, we decided to go straight there without stopping. Nearing the end of Salmon Bank, we came across a surprise Minke Whale lunge feeding off our port bow. We slowed down the boat and watched again as the smallest of all the great whales surfaced again at our port stern. Deciding we did not want to miss our opportunity to see this Humpback Whale further south, we continued traveling until we finally passed Hein Bank and saw that 20-foot spout above the water.

Averaging 2 to 3-minute dives and fluking with every drop, this Humpback Whale provided our guests with exceptional viewing in the short time frame we were able to spend with this individual due to the far distance we boated. Ending on a tail fluke right at our bow, we slowly traveled back north towards San Juan Island.

Surprisingly warm wind, calm seas and that golden light of the San Juan Island sunset perfectly transfixed our guests as we approached Cattle Point. One last stop to view the Steller’s Sea lions and swimming Harbor Porpoise wrapped up our evening in a magical way.

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