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Mother and Calf Humpback up North!

What a great day today! The sun was shining, the ocean was sparkling and spirits were high. Captain Brian and I took the Kestrel out of Friday Harbor and towards norhtern waters.

We stopped by Speiden Island where we spotted two bald ealges! These birds always make me smile. They seemed really focused as they searched the water for fish. 

Then we continued through John's Pass where we found a huge group of harbor seals! They were all precariously perched on the rocks. Half in, half out of the water they seemd to sturggle against waves crashing against them. Potentially, they liked the balance of the warmth of the sun combined with the cool waters. They are master thermoregulators. 

Then we went up into Boundary Pass. Here, we searched around looking for any blows throughout the waters. Instead, we found hundreds of harbor porpoises!! It was unbelievable. For miles all around, we could seee tiny dorsal fins popping up and dowan all around us. What a sight!

We headed further north towards the Canadian boarder and just as we turned to head back home we saw humpback whales! Two humpback whales were found near Patos Island. In fact, it was a mother and baby humpback casually swimming throughout the waters. 

We watched in awe as their beauty and isntinct nuturing behavior amazed us. 

Eventually, we headed back towards Friday Harbor. 

What a lovely day!

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