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Humpbacks Barracuda and Delta in Haro Strait

Abby | M/V Osprey | 7/25/2021


Captain Gabe, Alexandria, Laura, and I left Friday Harbor with no sightings or reports of whales in our waters. It was clear early on that we would head north in search of nutrient-rich waters and potentially some baleen whales. We all clutched our binoculars and crossed our fingers for exhales to present themselves like confetti across the calm evening waters.

Harbor seal pups lifted their heads as we passed rocky haul-out sites. Harbor porpoise...


Humpback Day in the Strait of Georgia!

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 07/03/2021 2:00pm

Captain Erick and I had a beautiful day travelling around the Salish Sea. The sunny day brought high energy to all the guests and I as we hopped on the Kestrel and headed north through the San Juan Channel.

We passed along the west coast of Orcas Island enjoying the cliffsides when all of a sudden, we spot a bald eagle sitting high in the tree tops. As we inched closer, we saw it was a juvenile bald eagle covered in brown with white speckles...

Bigg’s Killer Whale

Bigg’s Killer Whales, Humpback Whale and Friday Harbor Surprise

Maxx K. | M/V Kestrel | 06/19/2021 | 2:00pm

    By the time Brian and I left Friday Harbor the rumors of Killer whales north of us were consistent. With Kestrel filled with excited guests we turned northbound through San Juan Channel and up towards Stuart island. 

    When we arrived at the Cactus Islands we briefly stopped to observe some harbor seals hauled out on and swimming amongst the rocky islands, seemingly unaware of the potential black and white dangers that had just passed...

Bigg’s Killer Whale

Surprise Bigg’s Killer Whales off Orcas

Maxx K. | M/V Kestrel | 06/16/2021 | 2:00pm

Today was yet again, another prime example of how unpredictable and serendipitous a whale watch can be out here on the Salish sea. Kestrel left Friday harbor heading north. We weaved between Jones Island and veering right to pass between Orcas and Waldron following reports of a humpback just north of Sucia island. 

We stopped only once to observe a shoal of harbor porpoises as they slowly circumnavigated us. After a few moments we continued...


Adventurous Rainy Day with a Transient Orca and Humpbacks!

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 06/13/2021 2:00pm

What an adventurous day! Captain Brian, Captain Erick and suited everyone up and headed out in the rain! I was very impressed with everyone as we faced the rain and headed up full speed to Canada.

As we approached the border, we saw a lone transient orca whale! He was in Canada so we were not allowed to approach closer but eventually he turned and headed closer towards our direction! It was amazing to watch him gently swim through these...


Humpback Whales and Bigg's Killer Whales (With California Transient), Oh My!

Abby | Kestrel | 5/30/2021

The boat was full and everyone suited up. The cetaceans were out of the country; two humpback whales in Canadian waters and the orcas from this morning also heading further into international territory. We took off out of the harbor and jetted North through San Juan Channel. At least the sun was on our side; nutrient-rich waters lit up while harbor porpoises somersaulted over small wave breaks in the sea.

We decided to try our luck with the humpbacks after...

Humpback Whale surfacing for air

Three Humpback Whales on the Canadian Border!

Abby | Sea Lion | 5/29/2021

We set out on M/V Sea Lion. Or at least, we tried. At the lowest tide of the year (or more notably, the past few years), we began our reverse into some shallow water. With the wake from the ferry and hardly any depth, we motored forward and tried again. This time, Captain Pete reversed almost symphonically, as the crowd on the stern cheered in joy that the ferry wake had ceased long enough for us to pull out of the harbor.

We made a beeline for the...


Mother and Calf Humpback up North!

What a great day today! The sun was shining, the ocean was sparkling and spirits were high. Captain Brian and I took the Kestrel out of Friday Harbor and towards norhtern waters.

We stopped by Speiden Island where we spotted two bald ealges! These birds always make me smile. They seemed really focused as they searched the water for fish. 

Then we continued through John's Pass where we found a huge group of harbor seals! They were all precariously perched on the rocks. Half in, half...


Transient Whales Near Friday Harbor AND Splitfin the Humpback

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 05/22/2021 10:00am

You could not have asked for a better trip than the one we had today! It started off as a classic gray Washington day as Captain Brian and I took the Kestrel out into the foggy waters.

We headed south down the San Juan Channel, past Cattle Point Lighthouse until we stopped at some Steller sealions! There was a few grouped together but one massive sealion was staring at all of us on board and showing off his massive size. It sure seemed like...


3 Pods of Transient Orcas Plus Mother & Calf Humpbacks for Mother's Day!

Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 05/09/2021 |1:00pm

What a beautiful day!

Captain Pete and I headed out of Friday Harbor with all our new friends and headed north through the San Juan Channel. The sun was shining high in the sky, so it made everything look extra blue and gorgeous today. The water stood completely still and flat.

As we arrived at Waldron Island, we saw our first blow! The crystal-clear surface water broke as the first hump emerged. We found two humpback whales! In fact, it was...

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