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We had reports of Transient Killer Whales near Victoria, B.C. today.  When the animals are reported this far away we do have to do a bit of traveling but fortunately the Killer Whales were traveling east and headed our direction. 

As we were motoring through the Strait of Juan de Fuca to reach the whales we saw 5 Dall’s Porpoise.  The Dall’s Porpoise were actively foraging in the highly productive region.  After a few minutes of viewing these animals we continued on our way...


Wildlife o' Plenty

Once again, it was beautiful day in the San Juan Islands with bluebird skies and flat calm waters.  And, the Salish Sea was teeming with wildlife and seabirds. 

In the San Juan Channel and Cattle Pass we saw Harbor Seals, Harbor Porpoise, Steller Sea Lions, and a number of different seabird species.  Here the tide is funneled through Lopez Island and San Juan Island creating upwelling.  Eager for a meal, marine mammals and seabirds congregate in this area, taking full advantage...


Seals, a Whale, Sea Lions, and an Elephant!?

Our day began with Harbor Seals!  As usual they were taking advantage of the beautiful weather and having a snooze while soaking up the sunshine. 

We then motored south through the San Juan Channel where we saw a number of marine mammal and seabird species including Harbor Porpoise, Steller Sea Lions, Common Murres, Rhinoceros Auklets, Cormorants, Harbor Seals, and a plethora of Gulls.  These animals were most likely foraging in this highly productive area. 

As we cruised south...


Minkes and River Otters!

Today we were lucky enough to see Minke whales on all three of our trips! We encountered them in Griffin Bay, Cattle Pass, and Haro Strait. September weather has also been treating us nicely with beautiful sunny days, and glassy seas.

The real treat however was near the end of the day when we saw an entire family of River Otters at Long Island. It started out as a single sighting, but as we watched, one River Otter turned into a whole family. Every time the otters would go back into...


Sea Lions and Whales and Harbor Seal Tails...

Another gorgeous afternoon spent in the San Juan Islands...

Upon departing Friday Harbor we motored south and within 15 minutes spotted a group of Pacific Harbor Seals.  The seals were taking advantage of the beautiful weather and were hauled out on the rocks enjoying their midday siestas.   Within minutes we spotted our next species, a mature bald eagle perched at the top of a tree.  Amazing.  I never get enough of seeing these majestic birds.

As our journey continued south we...


The Three Minketeers!

Although Minke Whales are typically solitary animals, we saw 3 of them today traveling in close proximately to one another in Haro Strait (south of Salmon Bank and San Juan Island, 48°24.97N 122°59.02). They were all doing their Minke thing, traveling from bait ball to bait ball and lunging after any food in their path. They surfaced multiple times showing off the full extent of their bodies from rostrum, to dorsal fin, to the entire length of their back. At one point they even...


International Travelers

Today we headed north on a wildlife adventure!  Incredible scenery through the northern San Juan Islands; we passed by Spieden Island first.  Adult male mouflon sheep were grazing near shore; their large and round horns are quite a sight.  Several females were also resting in the grass close by.  We also spotted a bald eagle at the top of a tree looking out for its next meal.  A harbor seal was resting with her pup on a mattress of rockweed, a type of seaweed, up against the...


Mysterious Minke!

We went on a wildlife adventure today, which included a circumnavigation of Lopez Island! Several harbor seals were hauled out near Turn Island, off the east side of San Juan Island. As we headed south we encountered at least seven Stellar’s sea lions on Whale Rock. The waters on the Strait of Juan de Fuca were calm which made the observation of surface activity noticeable! We spotted a harbor porpoise making quick dives just off the bow of the boat. So many different species of sea...


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Minkes today!

Although our Southern Resident Killer Whales were nowhere to be found today, we did have luck finding Minke Whales. Not just one, but two (maybe even 3!) Minkes were in the Salmon Banks area, on the south side of San Juan Island (48°25.33’N, 122°59.94’W). Just rounding the corner out of Friday Harbor, a Bald Eagle majestically perched at the top of a fir on Turn Island. On the way out of San Juan Channel, eight Stellar Sea Lions sunned themselves on Whale Rocks, while...


Minke Whale! and Harbor Seals! and Steller Sea Lions! and...

Within minutes of leaving Friday Harbor, we found over 20 Harbor Seals, including several pups, resting on the shores of Turn Point.  We then saw 7 Steller Sea Lions sprawled out on Whale Rocks taking advantage of the beautiful weather and soaking up the sunshine.   These large, male Sea Lions were clearly enjoying their afternoon siestas.  Next Captain Jim spotted a Minke Whale near Salmon Bank at the southern end of San Juan Island (48°25.19N, 122°58.14W).  The whale...

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